Posted on September 1, 2016
Provincetown Marina LLC is seeking a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of engineers for proposed construction and dredging work in Provincetown Harbor.
The company is looking to construct two docks, one 427 feet long and another 263 feet long. They will also serve as wave attenuators.
Plans also call for the construction of 7 floats, a harborwalk and a public restroom.
Water and electricity utility lines are proposed for each slip with a vessel pump out hydrant every 50 feet, along with a fuel facility to service boats.
Provincetown Marina LLC is also looking to use the pier for non-profit event space.
The dredging work would remove 1,394 cubic yards of sand from an 18,000 square foot area north of the wharf to six feet below mean low water. The material would be dewatered at the adjacent municipal parking lot before it is taken to an approved upland location.
Existing, but unauthorized, structures on the wharf are also proposed to be retained, along with retaining and maintaining 186 parking spaces for fee and a marina office staff building.
The Army Corps will accept public comments on the proposals through September 9. More information on the work can be found at www.nae.usace.army.mil/missions/regulatory/publicnotices.aspx.
Comments can be sent to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, Regulatory Division (ATTN: Crystal Gardner), 696 Virginia Road, Concord, MA 01742-2751.
Additional information is available from Permit Project Manager Crystal Gardner at 978-318-8332 or 800-343-4789 or 800-362-4367, if calling from within Massachusetts, or by email at crystal.i.gardner@usace.army.mil.
Source: CapeCod.com