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Proposed Legislation Would Help with Maryland Water Infrastructure

Posted on May 15, 2018

By Brandon Bossert, WMDT

Newly introduced legislation in Washington D.C. could mean a lot of help is coming for water infrastructure projects.

America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 will allow Army Corps of Engineers to help replenish Maryland beaches and construct aquatic ecosystems.

It will help the corps with local projects such as restoration of Assateague Island, the construction of Poplar Island.

It also helps with dredging of the Port of Salisbury and help Maryland counties meet state storm water requirements.

“When Poplar Island has reached its capacity to accept that dredge material, the plan moving forward would be to place that material at Mid Bay Island to recreate the success that we have had at Poplar Island,” said Chris Gardner, Public Affairs Specialist at US Army Corps of Engineers.

Maryland U.S. Senators Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen are also fighting to reject the Trump administrations reclassification of the Poplar Island project.

They say they are also fighting to extend the mid bay island ecosystem restoration project from its current seven years to ten years.

Source: WMDT

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