Posted on December 1, 2016
By Jessica A. York, Santa Cruz Sentinel
The Santa Cruz Small Craft Harbor’s new dredge, the Twin Lakes, will cost an estimated $1 million more than originally plan for the custom-made vessel.
The new dredge, delivered to and assembled at the harbor in June, replaced the 30-year-old Seabright, which was sold for reuse for $5,000.
The Twin Lakes construction and delivery originally was budgeted at about $4 million, but now appears to be on course to cost more than $5 million, according to a report by Port Director Lisa Ekers.
One of the largest unanticipated costs was $364,452 in sales tax due to the state Board of Equalization. Other additional costs included installation of a density meter, at $32,000, a fendering system, at $50,000 and a $40,000 work platform, plus consulting and troubleshooting by contractor CF Bean for $20,000 and in-house dredge building and launching labor for $11,000.
The harbor also is withholding a payment of about $41,700 to dredge builder DSC Dredge while it negotiates with the company over a delivery fee, the cost of expedited shipping for a replacement oil pump, neglected flushing and oil changes and subsequent outside contractor costs, according to Ekers’ report to the Port Commission at its Nov. 22 meeting.
Harbor operations are funded through slip rentals, launch fees, in-harbor business leases and other sources, but does not receive public taxpayer revenue.
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel