Posted on May 22, 2017
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and state Department of Ecology are taking comment today through June 1 on proposed changes to the Port of Skagit’s dredging process for the La Conner Marina.
Ecology recently approved changes to the port’s permit for dredging, according to state Clean Air Act regulations.
According to a public comment notice, the Corps must also approve the plan to dispose of dredged sediment.
The Corps is responsible for ensuring the proposed dredging complies with the federal Clean Water Act and Rivers and Harbors Act, according to the public notice.
Comments are being accepted by email to frank.t.nichols@usace.army.mil with the subject line “Skagit, Port of; NWS-2014-1080” and by mail to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch, Attention: Frank Nichols, P.O. Box 3755, Seattle 98124-3755.
Source: goskagit