Posted on May 19, 2016
By Karen Farkas, cleveland.com
Cuyahoga RiverThe 150-foot tall cement silos at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River will be artistically lit by the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority.
The port’s board on Thursday agreed to pay $231,000 to Herbst Electric of Cleveland for the LED lighting equipment and installation.
The project, dubbed “Harbor Lights,” will be completed in early July, prior to the Republican National Convention.
The twin silos of the Essroc cement plant on Dock 20 are among the most visible structures on the Cleveland waterfront.
“The Port’s role as driver of economic development for Cleveland takes on many forms, including our booming maritime services and key development finance capacity,” Will Friedman, port president and CEO said in a statement. “But we’re also passionate about creating an inviting waterfront for residents and visitors. Harbor Lights will provide a spectacular display of public art on what is currently a lackluster industrial structure.”
Friedman said at the meeting that the Port’s tandem workboats, Flotsam and Jetsam, would once again patrolling the lakefront and river to clean up floating debris and trash.
In other matters, the board received an update on maritime business, including the news that the Lubrizol Corporation has agreed to ship its products directly to Europe via the Port’s Europe Express service.
Additionally, the Board approved the issuance and sale of $31 million in revenue bonds for the Snavely Group’s “w25d” development at the northwest, southwest and southeast corners of West 25th St. and Detroit Avenue.
The Snavely Group has proposed a mixed-use development project that includes 50,000 square feet of commercial space, 232 apartments, 296 parking spaces and community park improvements. The total cost of the project is $60.3 million.
Cuyahoga County has provided a 15-year $2 million loan at a rate of 2.5 percent.
Source: cleveland.com