Posted on September 4, 2017
The Port of Longview plans to dredge its harbor area and dump dredge spoils in the Columbia River near Dibblee Point.
The Port has applied for a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers to dump up to 50,000 cu. yards of dredge material in a 26-acre area on the north side of Lord Island on the Oregon side of the river. The material would cover an area about 600 feet wide and 1900 feet long, two feet thick.
Before approving the project, the Corps will consider whether the project meets environmental guidelines and may require testing of dredge materials, mitigation, water quality certification, endangered species and cultural issues.
The public has an opportunity to comment on the project. Comments can be mailed or emailed to the Corps. Email comments to Margaret.Chang@usace.army.mil.
Environmental concerns may also be submitted to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality in Portland. The email is 401publiccomments@deq.state.or.us. Comments must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Oct. 2. Refer to Corps of Engineers No: NWP-2000-39-3.
Source: The Chronicle