Posted on August 28, 2017
The Port of Coos Bay is taking steps to move forward with a proposed channel modification project.
The Army Corps of Engineers is opening a public scoping phase in preparation of an environmental impact statement.
The project will expand the existing channel from 37 to 45 feet deep, and from 300 to 450 feet wide.
The meeting will give the public an opportunity to get more information about the process.
“The project mainly consists of dredging,” said International Port of Coos Bay’s Mike Dunning. “Dredging of rock and dredging of sand as well. There are some parts, sections of rock, where there may be the potential there…very small section where there might have to be some blasting, but for the most part it’s rock and sand dredging.”
The public scoping meeting will be Wednesday, September 13, from 3-7:30 p.m. at the Coos Bay Public Library.
Source: KCBY