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Port dredging: State drops a 0 from funding, but county stays upbeat

Posted on July 25, 2015

By Charles Swenson, Coastal Observer

“I assumed that it was a typo, that a zero was missing,” County Administrator Sel Hemingway said.

State legislators say it was no mistake that caused funds for dredging the Georgetown port to go from $2.5 million to $250,000 in this year’s budget.

The sales tax in Georgetown County went up by a penny this year to fund a package of capital improvements led by dredging to restore the depth of the shipping channel through Winyah Bay to 27 feet in order to attract new industry. The state committed to fund $18 million of what was estimated to be a $33 million project. Georgetown County will pay $6 million and the State Ports Authority will pay $5 million. The state will look to the federal government to fund the remaining $4 million.


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