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Port Aransas Ferry Operations to Close Temporarily for Dredge Pipe Removal

Posted on May 17, 2018

By Monica Lopez, Caller Times

Port Aransas ferry operations will close temporarily Tuesday.

The closure will begin at 10 a.m. and last for up to two hours on May 15, according to a Texas Department of Transportation news release.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers requested the department close the ferry system for a dredging project.

Orion Marine Group will remove sections of dredge pipe that were submerged in front of the ferry landings on the Port Aransas side in April, the news release stated.

“The dredging operation is removing sand Hurricane Harvey deposited in the ship channel, which has created shoaling in certain areas of the channel and prompted draft restrictions for some vessels,” the release states.

Ferry operations will resume when Orion completes its work, the release states.

Source: Caller Times

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