Posted on March 21, 2019
In Plymouth, town officials decide not to dispose of toxic dredge sediment in the Cedarville landfill site.
Selectman Chair Ken Tavares announced the decision at the Cedarville Steering Committee meeting last week.
The town considered depositing contaminated sludge from the Plymouth Harbor dredging project in the Cedarville landfill, but due to strong opposition from Cedarville residents, that plan will not go forward.
Selectman Chair Ken Tavares:
“The town has decided that we’re not going to take any of the material that’s coming from the dredging that’ll take place in the fall and putting it at the Cedarville landfill. That absolutely—no matter how the tests come forward we are not be bringing any of that fill to Cedarville.”
And, Tavares says, the dredging sediment will not be deposited locally:
“The dredging material will have to go, probably, elsewhere in Massachusetts, or out of state, more likely.”
Town Meeting will be asked to spend over two million dollars for the local dredging project. To help the town complete the dredging work, the state will match that funding at 100 percent. Town Meeting begins April 6th.