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Planning permission sought for Tacher wind turbine

Posted on June 1, 2022

A renewable energy firm is seeking planning permission for a wind turbine in the Latheron area.

The proposal from CleanEarth Energy, of Wadebridge in Cornwall, is for a turbine of up to 130m including associated infrastructure and access track on land 470 metres north of Tacher.

In an accompanying document, CleanEarth notes that the site is “within an extensive wind farm landscape” including the Bad á Cheò, Halsary and Causeymire developments.

It says the closest operational turbine is located at Bad á Cheò, some 300m west.

“The proposed turbine will be observed in the context of this wind farm landscape and as such result in minimal additional visual or landscape impact,” the document states.

It adds: “The location of the proposed turbine has been selected to minimise all negative impacts on the locality; situating it as far from residential properties as possible and locating it close to the operational wind turbines already in situ, such that it is viewed as an addition to the current landscape.”


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