Posted on July 26, 2016
A plan to reduce erosion on the Huia Domain and foreshore has been approved by the Wait?kere Ranges Local Board following extensive consultation with the local community, iwi, coastal engineers and council representatives.
The plan developed by all the stakeholders and signed off by the local board will:
maintain the current seawall and rock revetment to protect Huia Domain
transfer sand that has accumulated within the intertidal area of Huia Bay, back to the area immediately adjacent to the existing seawall, and retain it with two rock groynes
restore an area of dry high-tide beach to provide a better storm buffer for the domain while improving pedestrian access and recreation potential
repair the boat ramp and raise the crest of the seawall by the eastern car park
“What a great result,” says Jade Reidy, Huia Cornwallis Ratepayers and Residents’ Association acting president.
“The first proposals over 18 months ago did not reflect how strongly the community felt about retaining this unique slice of heritage. We started out in an ‘us and them’ heated argument with the council but once the true value of the Huia Domain was communicated and recognised, we’ve been able to come to a win-win solution.”
Beach levels along Huia Domain have lowered significantly since 2010, and are continuing to lower during coastal storms and higher than average tides. This has induced failure of the existing seawall.
In 2012, council began to look at options to slow erosion. Three options were then presented to the local board in 2014. Subsequent consultation confirmed that these options, when considered in isolation, were not acceptable given their potential impact on coastal processes, the community’s desire to retain as much of the domain as possible and available budget.
A working group was established which comprised of an independent facilitator, specialist council staff, coastal engineers and community representatives. The group held a series of workshops in Huia, through which a fourth option was developed.
Feedback on the fourth option was sought at a public consultation held at Huia Domain in May and on shapeauckland.co.nz. It is the fourth option that the local board approved.
“I’d like to thank everyone in the working group who worked hard to form a plan, and to all who provided feedback on the options,” says local board chair Sandra Coney.
“The final erosion mitigation plan is one that the working group has endorsed, and one that our board believes meets the needs of the community while working within budget and regulatory constraints.”
Local Parks Manager Martin van Jaarsveld says: “It was great to work with a community that cares so much about their local park. It’s obvious they value what they have and are willing to get involved in its future.”
This project holds lessons for coastal management in other parts of Auckland.
“The draft Coastal Management Strategy for the Auckland Region has been presented to council’s Regional Strategy and Policy Committee. The Huia project has helped inform the strategy, which will be refined into a decision making framework,” says Paul Klinac, Auckland Council’s Coastal Management Services Manager.
“Community engagement is a critical component of effective coastal management, and we want to ensure the process is proactive, rather than reactive”.
Council will continue to work with the community and mana whenua through the detailed design phase, with the aim to have the erosion management in place before the end of 2017.
Source: Scoop