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Phyllis Harden To Chair State Waterways Panel

Phyllis Harden

Posted on July 21, 2020

The Arkansas Waterways Commission has named Phyllis Harden of Redfield as its new chairman, Secretary of Commerce Mike Preston announced. Harden will replace Marty Shell.

Harden, who was the first woman appointed to the commission, is also the first woman to be its chairperson.

She works for the Pine Bluff Sand and Gravel Co., a fourth-generation family-owned business focused on marine construction, material production and sales in the Midsouth. Harden is primarily responsible for legislative and special projects.

Harden is frequently in Washington, D.C., to lobby for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers waterway projects and funding.

She is on the board of directors and a past president of the Mississippi Valley Associated General Contractors, which is the largest geographical branch of the Associated General Contractors of America and represents contractors on the river system from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico.

In addition, Harden is on the board of directors of the Dredging Contractors of America in Washington, D.C., and is on the executive committee and board of directors of the National Waterways Conference.

Locally, she is vice chairwoman of the Pine Bluff-Jefferson County Port Authority Board.

Source: arkansasonline

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