Posted on June 26, 2017
By Emily Files, KHNS
As work continues to deepen the Haines small boat harbor, phase two of the expansion project is headed to design.
Phase two, a sport fishing ramp, is a collaboration between the borough and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. ADF&G plans to pay for the ramp with federal dollars.
After controversy over the first part of the harbor project, the public review process for phase two will look different.
The first public meeting is set for next week. On June 28, borough and state officials, along with design contractors, will give a project overview. It will include three conceptual designs.
The presentation takes place in two parts: at 6 p.m., there is a community meeting. At 8 p.m., the planning commission will hold a special public hearing.
One of the complaints about the harbor project’s phase one process was that the design didn’t go to the planning commission until a later stage. Now, the commission gets to weigh in on the preliminary designs.
Harbormaster Shawn Bell says Wednesday’s meeting will help pinpoint certain aspects of the project, including what, if anything, to do with Lookout Park. The launch ramp will likely be positioned toward the south end of the harbor, near the park.
Preliminary cost estimates for phase two are between $3 and $5 million.
Phase one of the harbor expansion includes deepening the harbor basin, building a steel wave barrier, replacing moorage pilings and increasing the uplands.
Dredging continues through July. In August, contractors will begin work on the breakwater extension. Phase one is due for completion by the end of January.
Source: KHNS