Posted on February 25, 2020
The Permanent International Association of Navigational Congresses (Pianc) said climate change poses a serious threat that could affect waterborne transport infrastructure.
Pianc said climate change represents a significant risk to business, operations, safety and infrastructure that could create impact on local, national and global economies. The waterborne transport infrastructure would be adversely affected, and so, there is urgent need for port and waterway operators to take urgent action to strengthen resilience.
“Ports and waterways around the world were experiencing air and water temperature increases, rising sea levels and changes in parameters such as seasonal precipitation, wind and wave conditions. Many were also seeing more frequent and severe extreme events including storms, heat waves and droughts,” Pianc said.
Hailed as the world association for waterborne transport Infrastructure, Pianc released its report on “Climate Change Adaptation Planning for Ports and Inland Waterways.” The Pianc report was produced by an international working group convened by the Environmental Commission (EnviCom).
It said there is a four-stage methodological framework that would help port and waterway owners and operators to plan for improved resilience.
They must facilitate the understanding of how assets, operations and systems could be impacted and who should be involved in identifying climate change adaptation requirements. They should identify the type of climate-related information needed to prepare an adaptation strategy, and explain how — in reference to climate change “scenarios,” they can assist in understanding the range of possible future changes.
Source: coastalnewstoday.com