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Penryn River Dredging Plans Presented to Penryn Town Council

Posted on February 8, 2016

Plans to dredge the Penryn River were presented to Penryn Town Council at a meeting last night.

David Pollard, a maritime consultant, gave a presentation on ‘The Jigsaw Project’ which wants to see a channel dredged at the Penryn River around Penryn Harbour.

The two metre wide dredging channel would be part of a larger plan to introduce a ferry service that would be able to operate in any tidal conditions. The suggested ferry route would run between Penryn, Falmouth and Truro, as well as locations in between.

Penryn Town Clerk, Michelle Davey, confirmed that the proposals presented to the council were about dredging the Penryn River.

She said: “Its true. Most of them [councillors] were very positive about it. There were a couple of concerns about environmental issues though.

“David Pollard explained that anything would have to through with the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), with environmental experts and so on.”

It was also suggested that the dredging part of the river would help tackle flooding by giving the river a bigger channel.

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