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Pebbles beach restoration faces challenges, delays beach opening

Stairwell at Pebbles Beach.

Posted on July 24, 2024

Plans to finish restoring access to Pebbles Beach have been delayed, due to what the Town of Gibsons is calling unexpected challenges.  

The town hired Geotechnical Engineers to complete an assessment of the staircase for what they’re calling slope stability concerns which directly impact safety. 

The town says the contract was awarded to NB Contracting and work began on May 27, but has since fallen behind its completion date which will hinder the ability for them to open the beach. 

“We’re disappointed that the beach won’t be open as soon as we’d hoped,” they say. “We’re committed to delivering a safe and beautiful space for the public to enjoy.” 

There is no clear indication when the beach will be open, only that construction is slated to be complete by the end of this summer. 


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