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3499 Search Results for Regional

USACE offers planning support to mission partners around the globe

VA, United States

“I love it when a plan comes together,” is an often-quoted line from the 80’s television show “The A-Team.” However, for the Planning and Requirements team with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Transatlantic Middle East District (TAM), the quote might more accurately be “I love it when a master plan comes together.” Comprised of… Read More

Two Direct-Air Carbon Removal Projects Set for $1.1B DOE Push

United States

Two commercial-scale direct-air carbon removal demonstration hubs on the Gulf Coast—set to be the largest in the world—could split about $1.1 billion in federal funding for development, the U.S. Energy Dept. said Aug. 11, as it seeks to scale up a new domestic industry to scour carbon emissions from the atmosphere. Set to negotiate DOE… Read More

USACE announces plan for southeast Fla. project integration during public meeting

FL, United States

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District announces a virtual public meeting to discuss plans for integration of multiple projects in southeast Fla. during, Tuesday, August 29, from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. “The purpose of the August 29th engagement is to update our partners, stakeholders and the public on numerous projects the Corps… Read More

USACE, Buffalo District Hosted Public Information Session about the Proposed Plan to Clean up Contaminated Sediment in the Lower Maumee River

NY, United States

More than 20 people attended the Lower Maumee River Great Lakes Legacy Act public information session on the proposed sediment clean-up plan. The information session allowed for dialog to learn more about contaminated sediments located in the Lower Maumee River of the Maumee Area of Concern (AOC). Attendees asked questions and provided feedback about the… Read More

Northern Chumash Tribal Council Chairwoman selected to federal ocean research advisory panel

CA, United States

Chairwoman of the Northern Chumash Tribal Council, Violet Sage Walker, was appointed to the federal Ocean Research Advisory Panel on Aug. 1. The Ocean Research Advisory Panel (ORP) will provide independent recommendations to the federal government on ocean research policy and implement policies and procedures as part of the National Oceanographic Partnership Program. “I’m honored to be part of… Read More

Canal Del Dic Dredging Project Starts in Colombia


The national infrastructure agency, ANI, reported through concessionaire Ecosistemas del Dique that, within the framework of the project, the dredging operation will begin this week for the “restoration of the degraded ecosystem of Canal del Dique”, and to maintain navigability in the canal. started in the Calamar and Pascaballos area, an activity that will be… Read More

NOAA Investing $5 Million To Design A New Visitor Center For Mallows Bay-Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary

MD, United States

NOAA will invest $5 million from the Inflation Reduction Act in Mallows Bay-Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary to support pre-construction and design requirements for a sanctuary visitor center in Charles County, Maryland. NOAA intends to partner with the State of Maryland and Charles County, Maryland, co-managers of the sanctuary, on development of the new visitor center. “NOAA’s national… Read More

Millions to be Made Available to Fund Chesapeake Bay Restoration Projects

MD, United States

Millions of dollars have been made available for projects to help restore the Chesapeake Bay. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says up to $206 million in funding will be made available through the president’s “Investing in America” agenda, to protect and restore the bay and the watershed while advancing environmental justice. The EPA is accepting… Read More

Atlantic’s biggest offshore wind turbine to rise this week in US

MA, United States

About 15 miles south of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, a massive structure emerges from the Atlantic Ocean. Nearby it will have the biggest turbines in the Atlantic, as tall as the Washington Monument with the Statue of Liberty stacked on top. It’s the first offshore power substation in the United States and in October it is… Read More

Contract awarded for $13.5m stage of Whanganui port revitalisation

New Zealand

A long-standing civil engineering company has won a $13.5 million contract to begin the first stage of work on the Whanganui port. Te Pūwaha is a $50m community-led initiative that will see the port revitalised and provide the city with enhanced flood protection and a purpose-built marine precinct. The project is a collaboration between Whanganui… Read More

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