Posted on June 17, 2022
Port Tampa Bay (PTB) board members will gather next week (June 21, 2022) at the Joseph Garcia International Center to vote on a 3-year dredging contract with Orion Marine Construction, Inc. (Orion).
For the last decade and a half, Orion has been dredging at Port Tampa Bay, removing over 100,000 cubic yards of sediment annually. Being the only bidder for the FY23-25 Navigational Improvements Contract, it is most likely that the company will win this one too.
According to the PTB, Orion has performed good work throughout its previous contracts and Staff recommends the firm be awarded the $9.7 million dredging contract.
PTB’s current dredging contract with Orion Marine Construction, Inc. expires on September 30, 2022.
Port Tampa Bay maintains seventy-eight (78) berths, Port Sutton Channel, and East Port Redwing channel. The port annually dredges approximately 125,000 cubic yards from its berths and channel. Historically the port berths are dredged on a 3-year cycle.
The maintenance dredge season begins September 1st and runs until March 31st at which time all dredging is stopped to avoid impacting migratory bird nesting that typically occurs at the Spoil Islands from April 1st to August 31st.