Posted on March 22, 2024
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Galveston District (SWG) is inviting all affected federal, state, and local agencies, affected Native American tribes, other interested parties, and the general public to review and comment on the Port of Corpus Christi Authority’s (PCCA) Channel Deepening Project Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for Department of the Army Permit SWG-2019-00067.
The FEIS is available on the Galveston District’s Project webpage at:
The PCCA Channel Deepening Project is located near Port Aransas and Nueces and Aransas counties in Texas. The proposed action would deepen the existing channel from its currently authorized depth of 54 feet to 77 feet and extend the existing offshore channel limits an additional 29,000 ft. into the Gulf of Mexico. The project channel alignment is within the existing channel bottom of the Corpus Christi Ship Channel starting near the southeast side of Harbor Island and traverses easterly through Aransas Pass and extends beyond the currently authorized terminus. The proposed action would span approximately 13.8 miles from Harbor Island to the Gulf of Mexico, generating approximately 47 million cubic yards of new work dredge material.
PCCA has proposed to use suitable dredged material for beneficial use by constructing nearshore berms and beach nourishment on San Jose and Mustang Islands, as well as restore eroded shorelines on Harbor Island and near the Port Aransas Nature Preserve impacted by Hurricane Harvey. Dredged material determined not to be suitable for beneficial use will be placed in the Corpus Christi New Work Ocean Dredge Material Disposal Site located offshore Corpus Christi.
Comments may be submitted during the 30-day review period and will be reviewed and incorporated into the administrative record prior to the Galveston District’s finalization of the procedure. All comments pertaining to this notice must reach this office on or before April 21, 2024. Electronic comments (email) regarding the FEIS should be addressed to Emailed comments, including attachments, should be provided in .docx, .jpeg, or .pdf formats.