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Ocean City To Consider Shared Services Agreement With Pleasantville Over Dredged Materials

Posted on August 10, 2017

By Anthony Bellano, Patch

Ocean City Council will consider a resolution to enter into a shared services agreement with Pleasantville to dredge and move dredged material when it meets at City Hall on Thursday night, Aug. 10. The meeting begins an hour earlier than usual this week, at 6 p.m.

The deal would allow Pleasantville to mechanically dredge the back bays and lagoons in Ocean City and transport the material to a site in Pleasantville, according to the agenda packet. There, the material would be used to raise the elevation and grade of an already designated site for a redevelopment project in that city.

Ocean City would pay Pleasantville $85 per cubic yard of material dredged. How much material is used will be determined by bathymetric surveys conducted before the project begins and upon its completion, as well as by scow loads delivered to Ocean City’s Site 52.

Source: Ocean City Patch

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