Posted on March 19, 2025
Current Project (2025 / 2026)
March 11, 2025: Town Manager, Kathryn Adams provided the following project updates to the Town Council:
- 2025 / 26 Renourishment Project (OSOKI): Rebidding by contracted engineering firm Moffatt & Nichol will take place in April. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) permit has been approved and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) lease is expected to be finalized in March.
- Lockwoods Folly: Two projects will be conducted in the Lockwoods Folly Inlet by the USACE, resulting in approximately 65,000 cubic yards of sand. Dredging will start in April, with sand placed on the West End (The Point) from the 6700 block moving east and 75ft+ wide.
- USACE Study Project: Hydrographic / geophysical surveys have been awarded and hydrographic field work completed. Geotech work has begun, and a Draft Report is anticipated to be completed by Spring 2027.
- Wilmington Harbor: This project will be rebid in March by the USACE.
Previously on November 14, 2024 it was reported that contractor bids received for the OSAKI project had far exceeded the amounts expected or budgeted. In response to these bids, work on the Beach Nourishment Project was been POSTPONED to the 2025-2026 winter season.
See below for more information on the 2025- 2026 Beach Nourishment Project:
The Town is proactively working to restore the oceanfront shoreline and dune to provide necessary protection for its future. Recent dune renourishment projects conducted in 2021 and 2022 have increased the level of protection of the primary dune system, but to maintain this protection, ongoing beach management is necessary. The Town is currently working on a beach nourishment project to provide an advance fill beach berm as shown in the figure below.
The purpose of the planned beach nourishment project is to:
- Where needed, repair the primary dune system to the previously authorized design level of protection implemented in two renourishment efforts in 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 to protect upland infrastructure along the Town’s oceanfront.
- Construct a berm to serve as advanced fill to provide a buffer volume to counteract ongoing background erosion.
- Enhance sandy dune and beach habitat for nesting sea turtles and wildlife.
- provide a recreational beach for public access and promote tourism.
The Town’s project was designed in accordance with the Town’s approved CRC Beach Management Plan (can link to section of website where this is available if desired) to provide advance fill and repair dunes where the appropriate Level of Protection (LoP) is not provided by the existing dunes.
The designed project proposes to place 2.4 million cubic yards (Mcy) of sand on Oak Island’s beaches to accomplish this goal. The identified borrow source is an offshore borrow site in Federal waters and managed by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM).
Some portions of the Town’s shoreline may benefit from planned sand placement by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Any sand placed by the USACE, partially funded by the Town of Oak Island, would reduce the quantities associated with the Town’s project.
The Town is in the process of obtaining the final permit authorizations from the USACE and lease agreement with BOEM to utilize sand from the offshore borrow site.
The following authorizations have been obtained for the project:
- 401 Water Quality Certification (8/1/2024)
- CAMA Permit (8/21/2024)
- State Historic Preservation Office Determination of No Effect (9/4/2024)
- Tribal Historic Preservation Office Determination of No Effect (10/3/2024)
- Essential Fish Habitat Consultation Completed (10/16/2024)
- Section 408 Review Completed (11/25/2024)
The following authorizations are pending and anticipated by the end of 2024:
- BOEM/USACE Joint Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
- USACE Permit
- BOEM Non-Competitive Negotiated Agreement (NNA) [Lease agreement]
The Town solicited bids for the project from October 15, 2024, to November 12, 2024. Due to Contractor requests, the Town provided the options to bid the project for construction during the dredging window in 2024/2025 and during the dredging window in 2025/2026. [Due to sea turtle nesting constraints, dredging with beach placement is allowed between November 16 and April 30.]
Bids were opened on November 12, 2024, at 11:00 AM. Two companies bid on the project. Both companies’ bids for the 2024 / 2025 season were significantly above a feasible budget for the Town, which was reflective of the fact that there is essentially no availability of dredging company equipment to conduct the project during that timeframe. The pricing for the 2025/2026 season was closer to the Town’s available budget and the Town is currently in negotiations with the apparent low bidder to determine whether a project can be awarded for construction during the 2025/2026 season. If negotiations are not successful, the project will be rebid in 2025.
It is noted that the USACE concurrently bid a project to dredge the Wilmington Harbor Inner Ocean Bar with placement on Caswell Beach and Oak Island during the 2024 / 2025 dredging season and also opened bids on November 12, 2024. One company bid on that project, with a bid more than 20 percent above the government estimate, therefore the USACE was unable to award that project and has communicated to the Town that they will rebid the project in March 2025.
Previous Projects & Plan Information
Click the tabs below for more information on previously completed Beach Nourishment Projects, as well as the Beach & Inlet Management Plan for long term beach nourishment, and the CRC Beach Management Plan, in response to the North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission’s (CRC) rules on the static vegetation / development line.
General Information
Click the tabs below for general beach nourishment information, including what it is, why it is important, and what you can do to help.
NOTE: Walking, running, playing, climbing, or any other traffic of any kind on, or across the sand dunes and berms, except in designated access areas is PROHIBITED.
CLICK HERE for a complete list and map of all designated Beach Access Locations.