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Notice of Pending Application for Proposed Dredging (USA – Wisconsin)

Posted on January 16, 2019

Notice of Pending Application for Proposed Dredging

Mike O’Hara, 3125 South Mont DuLac Drive, Superior, WI 54880 has applied to the Department of Natural Resources for a permit to remove materials from the bed of, to place a pier on, and to fill wetlands near the St. Louis River.

The project is located in the SW1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 08, Township 48 North, Range 15 West, Town of Superior, Douglas County.

The proposed project involves dredging to deepen an area of shallow marsh and shallow open water in Mont Du Lac Bay measuring approximately 215 feet long by 11 feet wide and dredging a channel to the St. Louis River approximately 925 feet long by 30 feet wide to allow for boat access and docking. The area would be dredged to a depth of 6.5 feet mean low water datum with 4:1 side slopes.It is anticipated that the dredging would be completed via mechanical methods using amphibious excavation and material transport equipment. Dredged material would be transported to an upland area for stockpiling and dewatering. The project also includes the construction the construction of a canoe/kayak launch and associated access path and installation of a pier with four boat slips. Approximately 19,000 cubic yards of sediment would be mechanically dredged to a depth 6.5 foot mean low water datum with 4:1 side slopes in approximately 2.4 acres of Mont Du Lac Bay. All dredged material would be placed in an upland location. The 2.4-acre project will consist of 2.06 acres of impact to shallow open water With submergent vegetation o.34 acres of shallow marsh and .07 acres of tag alder thicket.

The project will involve filling approximately .01 acre as of wetland and placing a pier in a bay on the St. Louis River. The plan is also call for dredging a channel to 6 feet deep and 30 feet wide in low water out into the Main channel to allow boat access and impact 2.67 acres of the bay. This will require removal of 19,000 cubic feet of sediment which will be placed in upland on the property

The Department will review the proposal provided by the applicant and any information from public comments and a public informational hearing, if requested. The Department will determine whether the proposal complies with ss. 1.11 and 30.20(2), Stats., and ch. NR 150, Wis. Adm. Code, and ensure that the required mitigation meets the standards ins. 281.36(3r), Stats. if the project impacts wetlands.

The Department has made a tentative determination that it will issue with conditions the permit or contract for the proposed activity.

If you would like to know more about this project or would like to see the application and plans, please visit the Department’s permit tracking website at… and search for WP-IP-NO-2018-16-X12-17T10-35-44.

Reasonable accommodation, including the provision of informational material in an alternative format, will be provided for qualified individuals with disabilities upon request.

Any person may submit comments and/or request a public informational hearing by emailing or writing to Steven LaValley, 1701 North Fourth Street,, Superior, WI 54880 by U.S. mail. If you are submitting general comments on the proposal, they must be emailed or postmarked within 30 days after the date this notice is published on the Department’s website. If you are requesting a public informational hearing, the request must be emailed or postmarked within 20 days after the date this notice is published on the Department’s website. A request for hearing must include the docket number or applicant name and specify the issues that the party desires to be addressed at the informational hearing.

If no hearing is requested, the Department may issue its decision without a hearing. If a public informational hearing is held, comments must be postmarked no later than 10 days following the date on which the hearing is completed.

The final decision may be appealed as indicated in the decision document.

Source: Superior Telegram

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