Posted on May 8, 2017
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the New Jersey Water Supply Authority is proposing to dredge the Delaware and Raritan Canal, from Kingston to Amwell Road, Franklin Township, Somerset County (the “Project”).
The Project will remove an estimated 248,000 cubic yards of sediment from the Canal to increase flow capacity.
The estimated cost of the project is $51.86 million. The D&R Canal is a source of drinking water for millions of residents in central New Jersey and provides various recreational opportunities. The design of the project will take into account surrounding cultural and natural resources and address water supply needs of the area.
The purpose of this notice is to inform and update all interested stakeholders, including local residents, public officials and recreational users about the Project and to solicit public comments. Public notice for the project was initially advertised on April 11, 2013 at a project cost of $35.5 million. The project was delayed in order to develop a beneficial reuse disposal site for the dredged material.
The Authority adopted a user charge of $25 per million gallons effective July 1, 2013 to retire debt service on the bonds that will be issued to pay the project costs. The user charge is paid by the Authority’s Raritan Basin System water customers and results in a $3.65 annual cost to the average residential household in the service area of the water purveyors served by the Authority.
Project cost increases because of the delay will result in an increase in the user charge to the Authority’s water customers of approximately $23 per million gallons for a total rate of $48 per million gallons. The revised rate will result in an annual cost to the average residential household in the service area of the water purveyors of $7.00.
The other amendment to the project is a change in the location of Access Area 3, originally located at the intersection of Canal Road and Coppermine Road in Franklin Township.
In response to concerns raised by the public over the location of Access Area 3, it was relocated to Canal State Park property just south of the intersection of Canal Road and the Griggstown Causeway.
The EID (Environmental Information Document) will be on display beginning May 4, 2017 for public review at the Township Municipal Building, 475 DeMott Lane; Franklin Township Library, 485 DeMott Lane; New Jersey Water Supply Authority Administration Building, 1851 State Route 31, Clinton.
Written comments on the project will be accepted through June 5, 2017. Comments should be submitted to the address below or info@njwa.org:
Marc Brooks, PE
New Jersey Water Supply Authority
1851 State Route 31
P.O. Box 5196
Clinton, NJ 08809
Source: TAP into Franklin Township