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Nigeria Resumes Navigational Dredging of Niger and Benue Rivers: A Boon for Trade and Flood Mitigation

Nigeria Resumes Navigational Dredging of Niger and Benue Rivers: A Boon for Trade and Flood Mitigation

Posted on October 11, 2023

The Nigerian government has announced the recommencement of the dredging project for the Niger and Benue rivers, an initiative aimed at enhancing navigation and minimizing flooding in the region. The project had been stalled due to financial hurdles, but with the funding now secured, the dredging process is set to restart.

Boosting Trade and Transport

The dredging process is expected to increase the carrying capacity of the rivers, thereby facilitating trade and transportation in the region. Moreover, the project has been predicted to offer several benefits like reduced flooding risk, increased agricultural productivity, and improved market accessibility.

Despite the estimated cost of over $20 billion, the government is committed to seeing the project through, potentially seeking international funding to carry it out. The Minister of Water Resources has underlined the importance of community involvement, encouraging local communities to work in tandem with the government to ensure the success of the project.

Environmental Perspective and Concerns

Environmentalists have also advocated for the dredging of the River Benue, as they argue that the river is heavily silted, and dredging could not only mitigate flooding but also provide water for irrigation purposes. The National Chairman of the Nigerian Institution of Environmental Engineers has echoed these sentiments, calling for the dredging of both rivers and the construction of dams to prevent flood disasters.

He further emphasized the need for engineering solutions such as barrier walls and drains to prevent flooding in built-up areas. The dredging of the rivers would also engender economic opportunities and reduce the out-of-bank flow of water, contributing to overall regional development.

Future Impacts and Expectations

The government has already awarded a contract for dredging the critical part of the River Benue, with work expected to commence soon. Similarly, capital dredging of the Lower River Niger has also begun, and the Baro River Port is nearing completion. The overarching aim is to encourage a river-dependent sustainable economic development through marine transportation.

In conclusion, the resumption of the dredging project for the Niger and Benue rivers in Nigeria is a significant step towards reducing flooding, improving navigation, and enhancing economic opportunities in the region. Despite the high costs and potential environmental challenges, the government, environmentalists, and local communities are optimistic about the long-term benefits of the project.


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