Posted on January 12, 2021
EMERALD ISLE, N.C. (WITN) – Emerald Isle leaders say Phase III of the post-Florence beach nourishment program begins in late January and lasts through April.
According to Town Manager Matt Zapp, the near $32 million contract will be completed by the Great Lakes Dredge & Dock (GLDD) company. GLDD is the same company that performed Phase I and Phase II of the nourishment along the Bogue Banks.
The project is funded in part by FEMA, the State of North Carolina, and Carteret County Beach Nourishment Reserves.
During Phase III, crews will deliver an estimated 2,012,850 cubic yards of sand along 9.4 miles of Emerald Isle. Town leaders say it is the equivalent of roughly 168,000 dump trucks.
For more information on Beach Nourishment, you can go to the Carteret County Shore Protection website:
Source: witn