Posted on June 1, 2017
A new dredging machine manages both to remove and clean river sediment, and it does so at a much lower cost than conventional dredging methods. Recently put to work on the Cuyahoga River in Ohio, the machine, known as a bed load interceptor, is part of a “wave of green technology” employed by the Port of Cleveland, according to The Plain Dealer.
The technology has caught the eye of the Army Corps of Engineers for possible use on Mississippi River tributaries. Its ability to clean contaminated sediment could boost the amount of material available for wetland and beach rebuilding and other projects aimed at reversing Louisiana’s rapid rate of coastal land loss.
Recyling the river’s sediment
Developed by Streamside Technologies of Ohio, the interceptor captures sand and other sediments from river bottoms. Pumped ashore, the sediment is separated, dried and cleaned through a three-stage process. The cleaning stage is a critical one for the Cuyahoga, where sediment from the heavily industrialized river was judged too contaminated for reuse, according to The Plain Dealer.
Traditional dredging costs about $17 per cubic yard in the Cuyahoga. With the interceptor, costs fall to just $1 per cubic yard, port officials said.
Dredging is used in the Cuyahoga, Mississippi and other rivers to deepen channels for large ships. Without dredging, the natural flow of sediment builds up, making channels too shallow for navigation.
American Shipper, a trade magazine, heralded the interceptor as a “breakthrough device” that will cut costs and help a host of restoration initiatives. The magazine reported that the interceptor has been used in Colorado and was under consideration for use in the Great Lakes and Mississippi River region.
Source: nola