Posted on December 5, 2016
A risk-based framework for sustainable, leading practice maintenance dredging of Queensland ports to ensure protection of the Great Barrier Reef was announced December 1.
The Maintenance Dredging Strategy for Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area Ports was jointly released by Ports Minister Mark Bailey and Environment Minister Dr Steven Miles, meeting an important election commitment and key action under the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan.
“The Government is focused on protecting the reef for the future while ensuring the continued operating efficiency of our ports within the World Heritage Area,” Bailey said.
“The strategy is an important action that demonstrates our focus on maintaining and improving the Great Barrier Reef’s Outstanding Universal Value.”
Dr Miles said the strategy stood alongside the Sustainable Ports Development Act 2015, and the delivery of many other commitments under the Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan.
“It requires ports in the Great Barrier Reef to consult with stakeholders to develop long-term management plans based on a sound knowledge of the environment in which ports operate,” he said.
“Management and monitoring measures will ensure maintenance dredging continues in an environmentally sustainable manner.”
The strategy supports and complements existing laws and guidelines making clear the framework and practices applying to maintenance dredging. It’s hoped it will bring further improvements in the way ports undertake the vital maintenance of channels, berths and basins. It’s part of a push to improve transparency and consistency in the way ports select management options, and undertake maintenance dredging.
Dr Miles said the framework improved levels of consultation, monitoring and reporting to ensure Queensland’s valuable environmental assets are offered the best protection through a risk management approach.
“The Department of Environment and Heritage Protection is working with port authorities and the Department of Transport and Main Roads to ensure that all new and existing environmental authorities will comply with the strategy,” he said.
“Delivering the maintenance dredging strategy is another achievement… demonstrating our commitment to Reef protection ahead of the progress report to the UNESCO Heritage Centre due tomorrow (Thursday)”.
The strategy was developed with feedback from industry groups, Queensland and Australian Government regulators, environmental groups and scientific experts.
Source: Newsport