Posted on January 10, 2019
The North Carolina State Ports Authority (NCSPA) is seeking qualified naval engineers, architects and shipbuilders to design and build a fully commissioned and equipped Water Injection Dredge (WID). In addition to the WID design/build, this project also requires a proof of concept demonstration and WID operation training program. NCSPA plans to use the dredge to maintain authorized depths at all berths, quays and turning basins of each port facility year-round.
The project includes the following work items:
- Commissioning of a WID equipped with Global Positioning System (GPS), bathymetric mapping tools/multi-frequency sounding equipment (28 kHz and 200 kHz), and acoustic doppler current profiler;
- Delivery of the fully equipped WID to NCSPA Port of Wilmington dockside;
- Execution of a port operator’s training program;
- Demonstration of a full dredge cycle during ebb tides at the Port of Wilmington;
- Demonstration of WID transportation from the Port of Wilmington to the Port of Morehead City;
- Demonstration of a full dredge cycle during ebb tides at the Port of Morehead City;
- A complete report summarizing the contractor’s executed proof of concept, including pre- and post- dredge hydrographic survey data;
- Modification of the WID plan, as necessary, and handover to NCSPA.
For more information click here.
Source: IDR