Posted on April 6, 2021
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, awarded a $2.2 million contract to Tunheim Construction LLC of Fargo, North Dakota, to complete the Southern Embankment Reach SE-1 portion of the Fargo, North Dakota/Moorhead, Minnesota, Metropolitan Area Flood Risk Management Project. The Southern Embankment Reach SE-1 portion is to be located in Cass County, North Dakota, and consists of an earth dam embankment with a gravel road on top, topsoiled and seeded side slopes and ditches on both sides. Portions of the embankment slopes will have turf reinforcement mat. The dam embankment will extend from a point just south of County Road 16 and one-half mile west of County Road 17 in a southwesterly direction. The total length of the dam embankment is just over two miles. The majority of the embankment material will come from a government provided borrow site approximately one-fourth mile north and east of the intersection of County Road 16 and County Road 17. This is the first of multiple contracts planned to construct the embankments associated with the southern embankment. The Diversion Inlet and Wild Rice River structures are both currently under construction and a contract to construct the Red River Structure is scheduled to be awarded in 2022. This congressionally authorized project is a 30-mile long diversion channel in North Dakota with upstream staging. The plan includes a 21-mile long southern embankment, 19 highway bridges, three railroad bridges, three gated control structures and two aqueduct structures. The Corps is working in partnership on this project with the cities of Fargo and Moorhead and the Metro Flood Diversion Authority. This project provides flood risk reduction for more than 230,000 people and 70 square miles of infrastructure in the communities of Fargo, Moorhead, West Fargo, Horace and Harwood.