Posted on June 2, 2016
SWANSEA MP Yasmin Catley has called for the state government to provide funding for a permanent dredge in Swansea channel.
Siltation in the channel is a chronic threat to vessels.
Ms Catley said a $2.5 million project to dredge the channel to a depth of 3.5 metres was completed in February 2015 but sand build-up had returned by October. Local boaters reporting depths between the Swan Bay entrance and the Dropover as shallow as 1.6 metres.
Siltation in the channel is an historic problem and Ms Catley told the Newcastle Herald it was time for the government to stop “throwing good money after bad” and fund a permanent solution.
“The Swansea channel has been the subject of dredging campaigns for more than 50 years, and has been dredged on an ad hoc basis for the past 10 years at least, at significant cost to the taxpayer,” she said.
Source: Lakes Mail