Budget repeats previous measures but fails to introduce new approaches, say experts NEW DELHI: Despite the government announcing several key initiatives aimed at rejuvenating the Yamuna River in the latest budget, experts have expressed doubts about the effectiveness of the proposals. Chief among the concerns are the absence of any deadlines for the projects and the lack… Read More
West Maui boaters can expect some activity at the Māla Boat Ramp starting next week, but with minimal disruption expected. The Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation (DOBOR) has confirmed that American Marine Corporation will begin dredging operations designed to clear out sediment from the entrance channel to maintain access for vessels. According to a… Read More
Residents’ group supports application, but say beach replenishment is needed sooner The Oceanside City Council unanimously agreed Wednesday to request more than $21 million in state grant funding for the sand replenishment in its much publicized Re:Beach restoration project. Money is available from the California Department of Parks and Recreation, Division of Boating and Waterways’… Read More
DREDGING works at Rhyl Harbour have started, with the project expected to last up to two weeks. Maintenance dredging of the harbour is required on a regular basis to ensure the required navigable depth for the safe passage of vessels and the continued success of the harbour. Around 10,000 tonnes of sand are expected to… Read More
Under the model, Bhuiyan said: “The Irrigation Department will identify the reach of channel/khal/river to be dredged, evaluate the quantity of dredging and the nature of riverbed materials like sand clay, silt etc.” State Irrigation Minister Manas Bhuiyan on Wednesday said a unique model for dredging operations is being implemented on a pilot basis in… Read More