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Mississippi River dredging program means more profit for farmers

Iowa Senator Joni Ernst (R)

Posted on February 27, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. ( — Iowa Senator Joni Ernst (R) went to bat for Iowa farmers to get the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to approve the Mississippi dredge program, and the Corps has decided to fund the project.

Ernst says this will put more money in the pockets of farmers from Iowa and other states.

Here’s why: More than half of all U.S. corn and soybean exports are shipped through the Mississippi River Ship Channel, and the dredging of the southern Mississippi River would deepen the Mississippi River Ship Channel from 45 feet to 50 feet.

The additional five feet would allow ships to carry more soybeans, corn, and other goods through the channel, and in turn, would lead to lower shipping costs and increased returns for farmers.


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