Posted on November 23, 2015
The MEPA Board refused to give planning permission for the renewal of PA 4819/07 to continue the incomplete dredging works as part of the existing Terminal 1 West Quay of the Malta Freeport in close proximity of the residential area of Birzebbugia.
This refusal was based on the SPED Document’s Social Economic Development Thematic Objectives Nos 1 and 6 and on the Coastal Zone and Marine Area Objective 1 of the same SPED document.
The MEPA Board suspended the application for PA 3869/14 proposed changed in the quay cranes at the Malta Freeport Terminal.
Concerns were shown by the Board at the unclear recommendations by Transport Malta – Civil Aviation indicating possible safety issues affecting the aeronautical protection surfaces in the area. The Board made clear the intention to retain the €955,000 planning gain together with a maximum fine of €50,000 fine.
The MEPA Board granted a renewal of a planning permission to Hotel Phoenicia to develop additional bedrooms to the hotel while carrying out restoration and rehabilitation works to the nearby stables. This planning permission allows works to be carried out to upgrade the existing hotel, its surrounding grounds and the area of St John’s Ditch.
The Board also approved another application for the upgrading of the Phoenicia Hotel including the demolition of the existing pool structures and the construction of a new pool with new facilities integrated within the landscape. The Phoenicia Hotel upgrade will be carried out with an €11 million investment.