Posted on March 21, 2019
Hot Springs Village Lakes Ecology and Fisheries manager Brad Meredith told the lakes committee last week that mechanical dredging on Lake Balboa is completed. Drawdown of the lake began on Nov. 15 and the valve was closed last Friday. How quickly the lake will refill is up to Mother Nature.
Meredith said some coves that were intended to be dredged mechanically could not be adequately reached, thus will be hydraulically dredged. Some coves that were intended to be hydraulically dredged were dredged mechanically.
Staff is reviewing the hydraulic dredging contract and making corrections to more appropriately fit the scope of the work required. That work will begin after the lake reaches a reasonable level for work to be done unimpaired. Meredith is hopeful that work can begin around April 1 and be finished in two months.
His crew has also been cleaning gabions (rock and re-bar filters that collect debris that flows toward a lake). There are 10 Village gabions, some up to five feet in height. Meredith added that it’s time-consuming work because the rocks have to be removed, cleaned and replaced.
“It’s a process. They turn into dams if they’re not cleaned out,” said Meredith. About future Balboa dredging, Meredith said, “It’s seven years away, but four feet is not enough.“
Balboa Marina operator Greg Jones attended and gave an update on the marina rebuild project, saying gas pumps are in and working both on the water and at the street and have credit card readers so gasoline is available 24 hours a day.
As for the marina store, Jones said there has been a setback. He has had to start over with the construction financing process. An appraisal is in the works and they will be open as soon as they can.
Jones is hopeful that closing will take place this week and permits obtained a few weeks thereafter.
“We’re working as hard and fast as we can. We want to see it open too.” As for the docks, Jones shared that when the lake level rises enough, workers will be in with their work boat to re-position the dock anchor points.
A Hot Springs Village Fishing Challenge was again on the agenda. This would be an event similar to what takes place on Lake Hamilton when a certain number of fish are tagged and if caught, the angler wins prize money. Many details would need to be worked out. Several members thought it might be a good idea for the 50th anniversary in 2020.
Don Langston announced a swap meet with outdoor equipment will take place from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. on April 13 at Lake Balboa pavilion. This is a good opportunity to buy and/or sell outdoor items of all kinds. Tables are available to sellers for $10.
The HSV Anglers Club will again be donating $1,500 to the fish habitat effort.
During a time of public comments, Lake Balboa homeowner Dick Brucker brought up many questions about the idea to line the shoreline of the small island on Lake Balboa. He stated he wants to be sure the work is done right, but doesn’t see a plan. What will it look like?
What’s the design? What color are the dredging bags? Who’s doing the work, were just a few of his questions. Brucker said he can’t seem to find out anything about the project and that the island shoreline needs to be prepared.
Meredith said the contractor has done similar work and that he will investigate for more details. He added that POA workers would be placing the rip-rap rock on top of the bags (probably all the way around the tiny island) and he will see if ACC needs to be involved. “I’ll make some calls and let you know,” Meredith told Brucker.
The committee meets again at 8:30 a.m., on April 10, at Coronado Center.