Posted on February 7, 2017
City Council approved Wednesday a resolution to allocate funds to hire a consultant for a marina dredge design and study.
A water depth survey of the marina was recently completed which defined the locations and amounts of siltation that has occurred in the marina since its last dredging four years ago. As suspected, the survey showed the marina heavily impacted by silt deposits.
The high-use portions of the marina were divided into five areas based on priority, with the highest priority areas including the marina entrance and fairway to the launch ramp, along with improved boat access to “B” Dock and the eastern half of “C” Dock. The next highest priority areas include improved access to all of “C” Dock and the eastern half of “D” Dock with approximately 50 additional boat slips.
Staff recommended that council allocate funds to hire Anchor QEA for the design, permitting and project management of a dredging episode to take place later this year. The company has successfully completed previous projects “in a timely and professional manner,” the staff report stated.
Council approved a budget of $200,000 for the design phase of the dredging, which will come from the Assigned Infrastructure Fund Balance Reserve. Anchor QEA’s contract is capped at $157,000, with $13,000allocated for City-led project management and $30,000 for permits.
The dredging is expected to cost between $723,345 and $971,111, depending upon the areas the final study reveals should be dredged.
Council also directed staff to look further into possible repair of the sea wall to prevent continued siltation of the marina.
Source: Martinez Tribune