Posted on August 23, 2016
Marine Notice No. 34 to all Shipowners, Fishing Vessel Owners, Agents, Shipmasters, Skippers, Fishermen, Yachtsmen and Seafarers The Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport has been advised by Cronin Millar Consulting Engineers of the Dredging of soft material and disposal at sea, drilling and blasting and removal of bedrock, construction of breakwater and revetment and other associated works at Rossaveel Fishery Harbour Centre (Cashla Bay), Co. Galway and Galway Bay. The works will commence on Monday the 22nd of August 2016 and finish up in January 2017.
The first phase of the works, commencing on 22nd August 2016 will comprise the construction of a temporary causeway on the foreshore within the dredge site to facilitate excavation of seabed and disposal at a licenced on-shore site. The second phase of the works, will commence in the coming weeks and will involve a Jack up Barge, floating barge, safety boat, personnel boat, split barge(s), and work boats. This will be advised under a second marine notice. Marine Notices are issued purely for maritime safety and navigation reasons and should not be construed as conferring rights or granting permissions.
Source: BYM News