Posted on March 1, 2018
Terminal Portuario de Manta (TPM), which is undertaking major regeneration wok at the northern Ecuadorian port, says it is working on five different projects simultaneously.
The first is a 100 m extension of Quay 2, the second is access renovation to the international terminal and the third is the introduction of new weighbridges. Port authority director Luis Alfredo Ortiz also noted that construction of a new cruise terminal has begun, as has the dredging to 12.5 m of all the international berths and the port’s main access channel.
According to Mr Ortiz, work on the quay extension is more than 80% complete and the access renovation 60% advanced. Work on the cruise terminal, in contrast, is only about one-third done.
Dredging work and the removal of sediment from the seabed started on January 29 and has concentrated on a 35-hectare area, where around 1.5m cubic tonnes of material are being removed.
Mr Ortiz stated that a draft of 12.5 m will make Manta one of Ecuador’s deepest draft ports.
Source: PortStrategy