Posted on March 25, 2019
Title: Middle Harbor Port of Long Beach Expansion
Description: In this work Manson Construction Co. is building new real estate for the port authority to expand their facilities and capacity to move cargo volume. The entire job has been monitored and measured by the use of our DJI Matrice 200 drone platform. Flights are planned and performed using Pix4D software as well as for data processing and generation of survey products
Votes: 734
Contest Rules:
- Videos must be between 1:00 – 5:00 min in length
- All videos must be uploaded by March 14, 2019
- Contest is open to anyone who owns the rights to a drone video of original, legally obtained footage, focused on an engineering or construction project
- Three finalists will be selected by the readers of Civil + Structural Engineer between March 15 and March 29, 2019 via online voting
- Only 3 videos may be submitted per applicant
- The final winner will be decided by the attendees of AUVSI Xponential, Chicago, IL. April 29 – May 2, 2019.
- Your video will be used in Civil + Structural Engineer marketing with attribution
- Voting begins on March 15, 2019.
- Voting will end on March 29, 2019.
- 1 vote per video/per day is allowed.
- Note that votes are tracked using your IP address. Many firms and businesses have the same IP address for all computers. We recommend encouraging your coworkers to vote from their personal computers or devices if you run into “you have already voted” messages.
- The three videos with the most votes when voting closes on March 29th, 2019 will be the three finalists.
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Source: csengineermag.com