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Manhattan Beach Dune Restoration Project To Protect Shoreline

A perspective artistic rendering of the project site (5-yrs post-restoration) created by RIOS, TBF’s design consultant. (Courtesy of Rios)

Posted on March 16, 2021

The project is currently finalizing permit application documents with plans to implement the project in fall 2021.

MANHATTAN BEACH, CA—The Manhattan Beach Dune Restoration Project, a multi-agency partnership with The Bay Foundation, will get underway in the Fall of 2021. The goal of the project is to increase the resiliency of the beach to improve coastal protection while engaging the community and visitors.

The Project will enhance approximately 3 acres of the existing dunes on Bruce’s Beach from 36th Street to 23rd Street, across approximately 0.6 miles of coastline, according to Sara Cuadra, Watershed Program Coordinator.

Design elements, created by RIOS and informed by Coastal Restoration Consultants, were revealed to the community during two stakeholder virtual workshops and Q&A sessions in February, Cuadra said.

Dunes that are allowed to form and create natural features provide a cost-effective buffer of protection from sea-level rise and storm erosion. The goal of this project is to restore sandy coastal dune habitats through the removal of invasive and non-native plants, seed native coastal plants, and increase community engagement through outreach and educational experiences, Cuadra said.

“We at TBF are extremely grateful to the Manhattan Beach community for their continued enthusiasm and support for this coastal resiliency project,” Cuadra told Patch. “We look forward to our continued work with our project partners, the City of Manhattan Beach, Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors, and the Los Angeles Conservation Corps. We are excited to get our boots on the ground this fall!”

This demonstration site will serve as a model for the region, showing that heavy recreational use of beaches and meaningful habitat restoration are not incompatible goals.

The Bay Foundation is also pursuing more Living Shoreline Projects on Zuma Beach and Dockweiler Beach. Similar dune restoration projects have also been undertaken in Ventura County and Santa Monica.


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