Posted on February 19, 2024
One major repair project at Port Manchac is nearing completion, and another could potentially be going out for bid in the next three to four months.
South Tangipahoa Parish Port Commission Executive Director Patrick Dufresne told commissioners during a commission meeting Wednesday that the long-awaited new truck scale, damaged during Hurricane Ida, should soon be operational.
He said the modified container which will house the scale is in place at the port and the electrical hardware and insulation are scheduled to be installed during the coming week.
He is optimistic the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development project should be completed in the next two weeks.
“I know you’ve worked hard on this,” Commission President Daryl Ferrara told Dufresne.
Dufresne also reported the port is entering into an engineering agreement with Ragland Alderman and Associates Structural Engineering of Baton Rouge, marking a significant step in the process of repairing the barge dock. He said the firm is scheduled to compile a cost analysis, as required by FEMA, repairing the dock with either wood or a steel mitigation option.
Dufresne said the analysis should take 90 to 120 days to complete, at which point it will be presented to FEMA. The agency will then review the report and alert the port as to its preference.
The project will then be put out for bid.
“It sounds like they are considering the steel option, which is the most practical solution,” Dufresne said.
Progress was also reported on the maintenance status of Warehouse Building 3, which a recent study noted numerous deficiencies. Dufresne said several contractors have inspected the building and provided quotes to Bayou Diesel, which leases the warehouse from the port.
Since the January meeting, when the results of the report were released, port attorney Andre Coudrain has sent a letter to Bayou Diesel detailing the deficiencies. Coudrain said he received a letter from Andy Parker of Premiere Chemicals on Jan. 24, who committed to providing a maintenance report or plan soon.
Coudrain said he was told the company has received quotes regarding damage on the north wall and that damaged lights should soon be fixed.
Coudrain said he had granted Premiere 30 days to submit a plan and that he will follow up at that time. He added that quotes for repairs are Premiere’s responsibility.
Also during the meeting financial advisor Shaun McArthur discussed several options regarding commission investments. He said three CDs totaling a combined $400,000 are maturing during the coming year and suggested perhaps moving those funds to money markets, which pay higher interest.
He also suggested the commission consider T-bills because the expectation is interest rates will be cut during the summer.
Commissioner Tim DePaula said the commission is self-insured and his concern was from a liquid standpoint in the case of an emergency.
No decisions were reached.
Commissioners also tabled action on the 2024 budget until the March meeting, when salaries will likely be part of the discussion.