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Major Dredging Project to Help Reduce Risk of Homes Flooding in Christchurch

Posted on May 8, 2018

The Heathcote River has been a constant concern to homeowners living nearby who worry every time heavy rain falls.

Work is being carried out to dredge sections of the Heathcote – starting with the Woolston cut – in the hope of easing pressure during high rainfall and tidal surges.

Helen Beaumont of Christchurch City Council says steady progress is underway.

“We’ve already got a reduction in flooding for this winter,” Ms Beaumont said.

“What we can’t, of course, predict is what rainstorms we’ll get this winter and how, and how severe those will be.”

The work is part of a three-year project which involves the council installing storage basins and clearing debris.

Since the 2011 earthquake, flooding has become the new reality for Christchurch residents.

It’s expected the completed project will protect nearly 200 homes that were previously at risk of damage during a severe weather event.

Around 37 homes will still be vulnerable, and the council’s made voluntary buyout offers on a further 24 houses in the region.

“In the Heathcote, it’s a little different because these homes are scattered along the river corridor. So where there’s been serious subsidence and it’s just one house, it’s just much more cost-effective to make an offer to purchase that house than it is to do an engineering works for the whole area,” Ms Beaumont said.

For many, it’s hoped the finished project is the first step towards a drier winter.

Source: tvnz

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