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Maintenance dredging for US harbour

Posted on March 14, 2023

Baltimore Harbor and Channels maintenance dredging, Maryland Channels, Chesapeake Bay, MD. The project consists of maintenance dredging approximately 1,500,000 cubic yards (cy) from the deep-draft federal navigation channels serving the Port of Baltimore. The work is to be performed between April 2023 through August 2023. The dredging depth varies by channel segment and ranges from 35 feet mean lower low water (ft MLLW) to 50 ft MLLW with an additional 1 foot of allowable overdepth. The equipment required for this work commonly consists of two 30 plus cubic yard clamshell dredges, one 24-30 inch hydraulic unloader, six to eight large tugs, six to eight 2,500-6,000 cubic yard material scows, a drag bar and barge, and appropriate attendant plant and pipeline.


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