Posted on October 12, 2015
By Lynn Moore, MLive
A project to remove the equivalent of nearly 17,000 pick-up truck loads of old sawmill wood and debris from Muskegon Lake will have the added benefit of providing needed fill material for the former Sappi site.
Hydraulic dredging of the Muskegon Lake bay between the Grand Trunk launch ramp and the Lake Express Ferry dock is expected to yield about 41,685 cubic yards of sawmill debris from the lake bottom. And unlike a previous dredging project that sent dredged materials to a landfill, this time it’s being pumped to the former Sappi paper mill site.
Dredged sand material mixed with small wood particles is being dewatered on the former paper mill site. Water runoff will be monitored and returned to Muskegon Lake, while the remaining sand and wood will be used as needed fill material at the lakefront property being cleared by owner Melching Inc., said Kathy Evans, environmental program manager for the West Michigan Regional Shoreline Development Commission.