Posted on April 3, 2018
Dredging work at Quay 34 of the Grandi Molini, in the port of Livorno, is underway. The project aims to be concluded by May, and will allow the mooring of vessels with a draft of up to nine meters. The upgrade is part of a package of works that involves different parts of the Livorno port. Meanwhile, the Port System Authority announced that work on dredging the seabed in front of quay 34 of the industrial canal is to begin soon. In fact, the tender procedure for that project is now about to be finalized: in a few days, assignment to Icm-Ft Constructions, a temporary network of companies, will be formalized.
The works will consist of a series of interventions to “restore the functionality of some docks at the port of Livorno.” The project has a funding, net of the auction discount, of €631,235.87. This is an extended programme of works which, in addition to the concession area granted to Grandi Molini, also includes dredging works on quays, such as dock 38, granted in concession to the firm F.lli Bartoli, and the seabed around the Darsena Pisa dock (tugs area). The works are necessary to bring back clearances in front of some docks, which have been affected by sedimentation, to previous depths, in line with the average sea level.
Source: The Medi Telegraph