Posted on October 13, 2020
There is good news and bad news on the Bourne winter dredging front.
The good news is the Little Bay channel at Monument Beach will be dredged. The bad news is the long-planned Pocasset River channel dredging will not.
Delays with county dredge plans have frustrated the work in Pocasset.
Natural Resources Director Chris Southwood says Little Bay sediment will be deposited on the beach at the Monument Beach Marina.
Southwood said the dewatering basin will be sizeable but won’t affect marina operations.
He also said Sandwich will take about 15,000 cubic yards of the sediment for deposit on eroding Town Neck Beach if voters there fund that operation.
“We’re getting some dredging, which is good,” Southwood told selectmen Oct. 6. “And the county is aware of the Pocasset project. But it appears such notification to the county will be on a year’s basis now.”
He said dredged sediment will be stockpiled for ultimate deposit at Sagamore Beach, Hen Cove in Pocasset and “other areas in need of (beach) nourishment.”
The two dredging projects have been coordinated by the DNR and Engineering Departments as well as the Shore and Harbor Committee and Conservation Department. The Little Bay work will be done from Oct. 26-Nov. 14.
Source: newsbreak