Posted on May 3, 2020
I write with optimism and concern for the proposed dredging of the Winnapaug Pond in Westerly on behalf of a number of local taxpayers.
We applaud the pond project, as it is decades overdue.
On another note, an aerial view of the “breachway” (Google Earth) reveals a giant sandbar transversing the waterway adjacent to the northern end of the “island” located inland of the breachway bridge.
At low tide, this ever-growing “sandbar” has reduced the water depth to where it impedes tidal flows and is now a danger to boaters.
Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management is very familiar with the sandbar issue, as are other organizations.
It is our understanding the proposed Army Corps-engineered project shows dredging to originate at a point AFTER the main breachway channel turns WEST and for dredging to proceed WEST into the pond and NOT include removal of the previously mentioned sandbar.
Logistically speaking, to coordinate engineering, permitting and removal of the sandbar in unison with the pond dredge project would prove practical, cost effective, and enhance the overall effectiveness of the entire program.
NOT to include the removal of the breachway sandbar would be a BIG mistake.
Jim Morton
Source: thewesterlysun