Posted on January 10, 2017
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on the Rahway River Flood Risk Management Study will host two information meetings in Cranford and Rahway.
The meetings are part of a 45-day public comment period for the Draft Integrated Feasibility Report (DIFR) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Rahway River Flood Risk Management Study, from Dec. 9, 2016 to Jan. 23, 2017.
“The Freeholder Board strongly supports this flood control project, which has been many years in development,” said Freeholder Chairman Bruce H. Bergen. “These two meetings provide an excellent opportunity to stay informed about this significant addition to our regional infrastructure.”
“Our colleagues on the Freeholder Board, our local officials on the Mayors Council Rahway River Watershed Flood Control, and our state and federal legislators are to be commended for working diligently to ensure that the planning process keeps moving forward,” said Freeholder Bette Jane Kowalski. “I encourage members of the public to register their views by attending the upcoming meetings, and by submitting comments online before the January 23 deadline.”
Residents may attend either or both of the two meetings, at the following locations:
Wednesday, January 11, Roy Smith Theater at the Union County College Cranford Campus, 1033 Springfield Avenue.
Thursday, January 12, Rahway Public Library, 2 City Hall Plaza.
Source: TAPintoWestfield