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Lake Worth Inlet dredging project to close section of North Ocean Boulevard

An excavator sifts and spreads sand dredged from the Lake Worth Inlet on the North End beach in November 2019. North Ocean Boulevard at Palmo Way will be closed Wednesday as part of the Lake Worth Inlet maintenance dredging and sand forepassing project.

Posted on February 26, 2025

North Ocean Boulevard at Palmo Way will be closed Wednesday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. as part of the Lake Worth Inlet maintenance dredging and sand forepassing project, the town said in a news release Tuesday.

The project’s contractor, Weeks Marine, will utilize Palmo Way and North Ocean Boulevard to assemble and deliver heavy machinery to the beach, according to the release.

Traffic will be routed to North Lake Way between Mockingbird Trail and Kenlyn Road. Single lane closures will remain as needed after Wednesday until the end of the project, the town said.

Traffic signage and personnel are present along North Ocean Boulevard to direct traffic as needed.

The dredge is expected to arrive at the inlet towards the end of the week and is expected to begin dredging the first week of March.

The E.W. Ellefson, a cutter/suction dredge, is expected to remove approximately 191,000 cubic yards of shoaling material from the entrance channel and the settling basins over two to three weeks, the town said, with operations set to continue 24 hours daily, seven days a week, until completion.

Dredge material will be pumped and screened onto the adjacent beach immediately south of the inlet’s south jetty. “Forepassing” is the term used to describe the placement of sand further south to support natural transport.


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