Posted on January 17, 2017
By Mike Harris, Mountain News
Efforts to dredge Lake Gregory remain stuck in the mud as the county continues to negotiate about how and where to do the dredging with two of the three agencies who must approve permits.
“We are still working through the process,” said Tim Millington, interim division manager for the county’s Special Districts Department. “We have three different agencies we’re trying to obtain permits from. We have certain permits for certain projects, but not all the [necessary] permits.”
The three agencies responsible for granting dredging permits are the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control District, the Army Corps of Engineers and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Millington said the county has the permits it needs from Lahontan, but the is still working with the other two agencies.
The county has two permits from the Army Corps of Engineers, and needs one more. It has two general acknowledgements from Fish and Wildlife and is working on two other needed permits.
The main sticking points center on the sediment basin next to the Crestline Library and the eastern Huston Creek area between the old ballfield and the San Moritz Lodge.
The county has awarded a dredging contract to a vendor, but the county must have all the necessary permits before it can give the go ahead to begin work.
“We are inching closer,” Millington said.
Dredging had been targeted to begin in September, but that timeline was lost with the slow process of getting the agencies to sign off on permits. Millington could not say when dredging might begin.
Source: Mountain News